Two suggestions to Terminal

The first one is about keys input. I found I can not use and key in Terminal. This two keys mey be useful when modify command in Terminal.

The second one is about the size. When I open a new terminal, it shows in a default size, and then I enlarge the window, but if I click the “+” button, the new window is still the default size. So when I change to the first one it enlarges, when I change to the second one it shrinks.

We don’t make GNOME Terminal.
Suggest them here: GNOME / gnome-terminal · GitLab

I do use PT_BR keyboard and the Delete , Home & End key not worked. If I used del key it gave me a tilde character.

I had to add:

To know the code of a key, execute `cat`, press enter, press the key, then Ctrl+C.

For me, `Home` sends `^[[H` and `End` `^[[F`, so i can put i my `.zshrc` in my home dir

bindkey  "^[[H"   beginning-of-line
bindkey  "^[[F"   end-of-line
bindkey  "^[[3~"  delete-char

Soruce: ubuntu - Fix key settings (Home/End/Insert/Delete) in .zshrc when running Zsh in Terminator Terminal Emulator - Stack Overflow